Artifacts reflecting ISTE*T standards
1d Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity; Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.
This artifact is a video conference via Google Hangout and Twiddla in which my group became familiar by using both applications during our web-conferencing evaluation assignment. Twiddla only allowed communication by text or drawing, so it challenged us to use our present knowledge to help each other navigate the application's capabilities. Hangout provided an alternative to Whatsapp's video chat and allowed us to help each other more effectively. Hangout allowed us to troubleshoot and help each other log on to Twiddla correctly, as well as to navigate through the site. Twiddla would be an excellent choice for students to help each other in math and science course because there are pre-set keys containing special symbols that would otherwise be confusing in plain text.
2a: Design and develop digital age learning experience and assessments; Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
This artifact is a lesson plan on Google Slides for group work. The assignment was to separate students into groups, collect and evaluate nutrition labels from a variety of cereals and to input data to a digital tool. Group work gives students with different learning capabilities the opportunity to collaborate at their pace and to learn as they go, and digital tools were to be of their choosing. My artifact is ideal for assessing students' level of knowledge of the subject, as well as computer skills, which is reflective of ITSE*T Standard 2C.